Blog | May 2024

NodeHive Screenshots - May 2024

In this blog post, we share a few screenshots showcasing the NodeHive SaaS product.

NodeHive Login Screen

Access the administration interfaces of all your websites with a single login.

NodeHive Spaces

This is an example of the dashboard an editor sees after logging in. The editor can create new content, review recent changes, and access the visual editor for each website.

Editing content with the Visual Editor is straightforward. You can preview the page in different screen sizes.

NodeHive Visual Editor
NodeHive Content Modelling

NodeHive Content Administrators can create new content types using the content modeling tools. This screenshot shows all available field types.

NodeHive Dashboard
NodeHive Content Calendar

There is much more to explore within NodeHive Headless CMS. To fully understand its capabilities and how it can benefit your content management needs, book a demo with us.

Our team will walk you through all the features and functionalities, providing a comprehensive overview and answering any questions you may have.

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